Saturday, October 31, 2009

Graduation day

As the minutes ticked away,I became more and more matured..

5 years had gone,and everything had gone,
I studied at PESS for such a long time.
It invoked a lot of bitter-sweet memories of my secondary school's life.
Time really cannot erase my memories of every moment at school such as studying,examinations,activities,competitions,duty,etc..
What these fragrant memories are!

Today is my graduation day,it's a great chance for me to wear formally,a robe,
and I looked very smart in that suit..=)
I took a lot of pictures with friends and teaches,
moreover,we were completely crazy too..>.<

At hall,we were such a high-school graduates,especially when receiving the certificates..
I received a file of certificates,such as oral test,peka,program nilam,etc..

Soon,graduation day is ended,hmmm,
Going to say goodbye to pess after a month,

P/S:all the pictures are uploaded in my facebook =)