Friday, July 9, 2010

Something 'HARD'

Everything has become just that little bit harder,
little bit harder?It is much harder than the previous 'lesson',
I meant the new lessons that I am studying right now...
Biology,Chemistry,Physics,and Maths,
I prefer to do the experiments,but
Sometimes I'm bored rigid with the flow of lectures and lessons,and a tonne of assignments and tasks,
what is the problem ?
am I not interested with them anymore?
am I not smart and intelligent?
the lessons are too hard for me?
Oh no no no....
Hmmmm.....But then,
in my opinion,
Teachers should vary their lessons to make them more interesting,
instead of standing in front of students like a stone,and lowering the tone while teaching!!!!(I am talking a lecturer of mine,but one of my lecturer is quite strict with us,Zzzz)
Oh no no no....
What the unforgettable nightmare!!!!!

P/S: I might be confident LAH....x)