Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bye,Trial Exam ll

How time flies! It is November right now,well my trial exam is now over.
Today is a good day,I enjoyed the last paper at the pleasantly cool hall,chemistry 2,I realized that I wrote a lot of words on the test paper,and hopefully all the points are correct..Besides,I wish to get a better results in this trial exam..So that I can apply for the undergraduate course by using my forecast results..However,I really screwed up on my physic tests,that's why some of my friends dropped this subject..I know my lecturers were trying to strike a high level and making the questions too hard and crazy! >.< Eventually I did some randomly shot on some of my test papers,Arrgghh....whatever,I did my best already!

Other than that,during exam week,I had dark rings around my eyes from lack of sleep,to be honest,I slept less than 5 hours continuously,earlier preparation for the exam is essential and I had set this principle in my mind long time ago,but I am still knuckled down to study just one day before the exam,I couldn't resist myself from ignoring the revision at all time,I've no choice but there are so many lessons to be studied for each subject,this is what a science student need to know--the "heavy burden of studies"! Well,Human beings tend to be forgetful in terms of memorizing and studying,not in everyone,but this is the TRUTH!

What should I do now?There is only two months left for the A levels International Exam (real exam)...Should I go for a vacation first?Or hide inside my room and study for the exam whole day long?Hmmmm,seriously I am in the real state of exam,I am really anxious,fear,worry about the exam! EXAM IS THE REAL SILENT KILLER! =O.....
=_=....Hmmm,come on,be confident,girl!!

P/S: Mun,continue to pursue your studies,be a knowledgeable girl! =D