Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Say true to yourself, please

Your truth comes from inside of you and it usually speaks in a quite,soft voice.
This is called inner voice.
I'm pretty sure everyone has an inner voice,
this inner voice does not judge or condemn you,it just tells it like it is,
loving yourself also means that listening to that voice and honoring it.

When you don't listen to your inner voice,you can do things you may later regret.
Your inner voice is your compass,it reminds you to stay on course,to be true to yourself,and do what feels right to you.

In reality,sometimes it is difficult to stay true to yourself.
You resolve to save money for something important,then you find yourself argeeing to baby-sit.
There are certainly bigger mistakes you can make.
Sadly,you can end up paying in serious ways for not listening to your inner voice.

Sometimes it takes tremendous willpower to honor your commitments to yourself,
but your inner voice knows you very well.
When you listen to it and take actions that honor it,you usually make good choices

Try to figure out and examine what is important to you and make you live happily ever~

P/S: Pay attention to your inner voice,love yourself enough to say true to yourself


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the beautiful post! I really enjoyed reading it!

kAhMun^o^ said...

most welcome^_^